Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow injury

This morning, we went outside to play in the snow...but when I was going down the driveway in a sled that has strings so you can control it, I turned too much and I fell off of it and Zach landed on me because he was on the sled too. My arm was really hurting, especially if I tried to straighten it. Then we had to go to the doctor and the doctor sent us to the hospital to get an x-ray and we waited 20 minutes to get the results. Nothing was broken but the doctor says I have to keep a sling on until it stops hurting.

So I came home and then I went to a birthday party!


  1. Sounds like you should stay inside for the rest of winter!!!!! :)

  2. Hannah - how is the injury recovery going? I hope you feel better soon!

  3. It is much better, I even played in the snow with my uncle!
